Attendance 530-251-1106

Business Services

Budget and Accounting:

The department is responsible for the development of the annual budget for all programs operated by the Lassen Union High School District.

Additionally, the department is responsible for required financial reports and revisions associated with the budget. Currently, the State required reports involving the overall budget consist of the original budget due by June 30 each year; the first interim budget which reflects any budgetary changes between July 1 and October 31 each year and is due by December 15; and the second interim budget which reflects any budgetary changes between November 1 and January 31 each year and is due by March 15. There are a multitude of required reports that are included in each budget cycle such as a cash flow analysis, multi-year projection, average daily attendance, and revenue limit reports to name a few.

Cost accounting and reporting are aligned with the California School Accounting Manual, Governmental Accounting Standards Board, and specific program requirements for entitlement and grant programs.

Accounts Payable and Receiveable:

The department is responsible for vendor payments for all purchase orders, contracts, and employee reimbursements for all programs operated by the Lassen Union High School District in accordance with purchasing procedures. Additionally, the department is responsible for payments to independent contractors and the associated Federal 1099 reporting, accounts receivable billings and developer fee collections. Also included are bank account reconciliation and bank deposits to the County Treasury and local banks for student body funds, cafeteria funds, and revolving, and petty cash funds.


The department is responsible for the monthly salary payments for all persons employed in programs operated by the Lassen Union High School District. Additionally, the department is responsible for the health and welfare payments to vendors, salary deductions for retirement, fringe benefits and other voluntary salary deductions authorized by the employee. Also, the department is also responsible for vacation and sick leave accruals, along with other payroll-related reports, as well as providing information on the automated substitute caller system and employee absence tracking.

Cori Shields
Chief Business Officer

Deborah McLarty
Business Services Technician III – Payroll

Jessica Baughman
Business Services Technician III – AR/AP